🇦🇺. Ella's dad. Former CNCF governing board member


Josh Rosso @[email protected]

computer programmer

Dan Ciruli @[email protected]

VP Products at D2iQ. I live in (and love) Oakland. Ex-Google, -EMC, -Zuora. Former funding member of Open API Initiative, Istio Steering Committee. One-time tour manager.
Dad of 3. #ally #BLM.

Joshua McKenty @[email protected]

Technology and Change.
CEO of Delving, builder of software and companies. Co-founder of #openstack, Piston Cloud. Ex #NASA, #Pivotal, #netscape & circus. Father.

Jonathan LaCour @[email protected]

👋🏼 I'm Jonathan LaCour. I live in SoCal (LA / Palm Desert) and work as the CTO of Mission, an AWS cloud services company. Some topics of interest to me:

🌎 IndieWeb
🍎 Apple
🏈 (The U, Georgia Tech, LA Rams)
🏎️ Formula 1 (Essere Ferrari)

Cakes of revenge @[email protected]

Writer. Recovering Cranky Admin. COVID-vulnerable. Three trench coats pretending to be a person.

I like cats, sleep, yeeting billionaires, and obliterating capitalism.

It is our responsibility to be more ethical than our antecedents.

Appeasement never works because bullies need victims to feel whole.


Toots are nobody's opinion except my own. And my opinions are subject to change with the addition of new evidence.

Matt G @[email protected]

Info theory, service management, lean and IT culture. husband and father of 3. Handling my ADHD and now living with mild TBI. (he/him/his)