Logistics and IT are my industries. Travel and Linguistics are my hobbies. Hats are my headgear. Tea is my drink of choice. Toots are my views, not those of my companies. Based out of Barcelona, Spain.


Joseph Jude :verified: @[email protected]

I'm a programmer working as a CTO of an IT services company. Interested in mental models and frameworks. Observes how technology shapes business, politics, and life; and in turn how business, politics, and life shape technology.

Generally talks about #wealth, #insights, #network, #selfcontrol. In addition, I talk about plethora of topics that I'm interested in: #christianity, #india, #technology, #golang, #programming #ukulele

I #homeschool my 2 boys. They are also on fediverse - @joshg & @jerryg

You can find me on these places:
• Blog: jjude.com
• Podcast: jjude.com/podcast
• Photos: pixelfed.social/jjude
• Books: ramblingreaders.org/user/jjude

Happy to connect and chat. Come along.

Josh Garrett :verified: @[email protected]

Josh Garrett is a homeschooler (13 years old). A bookworm that reads too many spy novels.
Here I will write about my experiences in industry trips, weekly retros and the good times I have.
Saying that, Welcome to my world.