
fluxx @[email protected]

IT-Security. 💚 für E2EE, Freie Software, offene Standards & offene Daten. 🚲 für die #Verkehrswende. 👨‍💻 bei @jugendhackt, @cccda

Ade Malsasa Akbar @[email protected]

I am a moslem. I am from Indonesia, an author at UbuntuBuzz, teach Free Software, share about GNU and Linux a lot here. You can browse my posts by my pinned posts or my featured hashtags below.

Pedro @[email protected]

Pedro Pinto da Silva

I'm a graphic and UX designer, I enjoy any form of discourse and I'm into libre #floss #opensoftware.

I do print and digital work.

Ca_Gi @[email protected]

[frase simpatica fintamente intelligente ma in realtà vuota / aforisma di dubbia provenienza / schieramento di tifoseria / dati anagrafici]

Nemo_bis 🌈 @[email protected]

Federico Leva. 🌈 Wikimedia Italia and more (@wikimediaitalia).

#libre #it #fi #Helsinki

Verfassungklage @[email protected]

Aktivist der sich für Freie Netz einsetzt. Gegen die #Vorratsdatenspeicherung und Überwachung der Bürger. #Foss #Linuxuser
ReferralCode: marcel459834 Sono Sion

Institute of Diagram Studies ⏚ @[email protected]

David Benqué

Milan @[email protected]

Hi there, i am a photographer and it-guy from germany, and you may know me from the several services i host at

Scandroid @[email protected]

Ich mag regelleichtes Rollenspiel, Science-Fiction und Musik. Mitglied in der Deutschen Lovecraft Gesellschaft.