
Aaron King @[email protected]

A #dotnet web developer who loves dad jokes, #funwithcars, and is regularly seen in a hoodie. Principal #Sitefinity Consultant @[email protected]

Observability for a distributed world. Designed for engineers to debug platforms, microservices, serverless apps, and enable collaborative problem-solving.

ZeroTier @[email protected]

⏁ ZeroTier official fediverse account.

Connecting The World's Devices With Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networking.

#ZeroTier #Networking #IoT #RemoteAccess #VPNAlternative #VPN #LAN #SDWAN #MSPManagement #IaC #GlobalAreaNetworking #OpenSource

r4vi @[email protected]

internet plumber

KC Sivaramakrishnan @[email protected]

Hacker at Prof at IIT Madras. Trustee at

Ilia @[email protected]

coding things

Markus Kuppe @[email protected]

Principal Research Software Engineer at Microsoft Research - Let TLA+ (in) RiSE @ MSFT