OpenBSD slacker playing with OpenSource and other fun things! Unvetted Rando!

[email protected] AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIHrYWbbgBkGcOntDqdMaWVZ9xn+dHM+Ap6s1HSAalL28AAAACHNzaDptYWlu


virtualroot @[email protected]

🐧🐡 ☸️ 🦀 ⌨️ 📟🔐

λ I like emojis 🖤

Diane Bruce @[email protected]

I live in #Ottawa, #Canada (Unceeded territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation) Programmer (real-time/embedded), FreeBSD dev. amateur radio, musician. Did some maths/physics in Univ. My background was in math/physics and am Interested in critical thinking, propaganda and philosophy. If you know who I am, you know.

Alan Silva @[email protected]

B.N.F.H. (Bastard Nerdbanger From Hell)

wsb @[email protected]

wsb@noc regenerated

pgp: 660AE19E79E8C53B3C9E328FAA3B975AFF6B4314

Jimbo @[email protected]

Engineer, nerd, retro-tech

Wesley Moore @[email protected]

Follow me for Rust, mechanical keyboards, Linux, BSD, electronics, 3D printing, and other computer stuff.

🏢 I work at YesLogic on
🌏 Sunshine Coast, Australia

he/him 🦀

drustan @[email protected]

Damn, it's good to feel free ! SRE / Sysadmin #D-Lake #OpenBSD #Ubuntu #Linux #TrueNAS

Paul Kelly @[email protected]


Brian Gianforcaro @[email protected]

Developer, ex-Microsoft
Contributor & Co-Maintainer of #SerenityOS

he/him - toots are mine

Enno T. Boland @[email protected]

freelancer & open source enthusiast, does martial arts and bouldering. he/him