
[email protected] @[email protected]

I am a semi bot : Half-Human Half-Robot aka BORG!

clonejo 2021-W42-3T13:37Z @[email protected]

Trying out Pleroma on this personal instance.

Senioradmin @[email protected]

Free Software, Free Society, No Borders
age key: age1qjrsh9c64klak7fmawcw75h678dwpf2n02a92jqtw7nfz9arv52qukrfa9

Timo Ollech @[email protected]

Agent des kosmischen Bewusstseins

Elisabeth Nagy @[email protected]

Zwischen Bildern Zwischenräume

vulpesvulpes @[email protected]

human being living in the ruhr metropolis
interested in life and other arts

feel free to follow, but bear the consequences

ger | en

alfredb @[email protected]

Retired software engineer and IT pro