I make small 3D games (piesku.com), and I play them and talk about them sometimes. I'm interested in game design, 3D rendering, product management, linguistics, and bringing back the Internet of the '90s.

Cloud at Google, previously at Mozilla. Also: Message Format Working Group Unicode.

Most people know me as Staś. I live in Warsaw in Poland.


Renaud R. @[email protected]

Geek Internet avec une préférence pour le réseau et le développement (python/go).

Je me suis construit grâce à Internet, aux logiciels libres et à l'Open Source.
Je travaille dans le monde de tech avec un profil plutot infrastructure/réseau/développeur et une approche d'intra/entrepreneur.

Marcin ✌️:blobSmileSweating: @[email protected]

I like to create things. Often the things are Android apps. Currently working at Pocket/Mozilla. Białystok, Poland 🇪🇺

One of my pronouns is half a giggle. (h/t @stella)

Eemeli Aro @[email protected]

Plotting to save the world via open source and science fiction.

Tristan Nitot✓ @[email protected]

Responsable 'Sustainability' chez Scaleway. Hacktiviste, libriste, entrepreneur, fondateur puis président de Mozilla Europe, auteur de Surveillance:// et du podcast l'Octet Vert (climat, numérique et bonne humeur), blogueur depuis 20 ans, vélotaffeur depuis 4.

Jakub Synowiec @[email protected]

Engineering Manager. I casually post about knowledge management, software engineering, computer games, and books. Not an expert, my own opinions.

Nathan :verified: @[email protected]

J'aime faire rire les gens (defois)
Membre fondateur du FSE

naugtur @[email protected]

Working on supply chain security for JS. meet.js Poland organizer. Node.js user since v0.8.
Addicted to teaching.

Bert JW Regeer 🏳️‍🌈 @[email protected]

Open Source developer (#pylonsproject, #pyramid and #Webob) who enjoys solving difficult problems.

Alek @[email protected]

digital sociologist / strategist / activist. Open Future (EU), Communia (EU), Creative Commons (World), Centrum Cyfrowe (PL)

Gabor Heja @[email protected]

Sysadmin team lead by day; gamedev, webdev, maker, stargazer by night. Bees are the best. And dogs.