I make small 3D games (piesku.com), and I play them and talk about them sometimes. I'm interested in game design, 3D rendering, product management, linguistics, and bringing back the Internet of the '90s.

Cloud at Google, previously at Mozilla. Also: Message Format Working Group Unicode.

Most people know me as Staś. I live in Warsaw in Poland.


Greg Tatum @[email protected]

For Mozilla I work on:

Firefox Web Platform having done Internationalization, Firefox Profiler, DevTools, and other random things!

Open source: I mostly do creative coding doing WebGL and Canvas, see my mastodon.art for art related things.

Ben Francis @[email protected]

@krellian founder. @w3c Invited Expert on Web Apps & the Web of Things. Previously: @mozilla & @google.

J. Ryan Stinnett @[email protected]

Exploring how to make programs more malleable and computing more humane

My communities: Malleable Systems Collective, Matrix, Mozilla

Pascal Chevrel @[email protected]

Staff Project Manager for Firefox Nightly - Mozilla

Gordon P. Hemsley @[email protected]

Data Engineer. Software Engineer. Recovering Linguist. Government and Law Enthusiast.

Currently @LexisHealthCare. Formerly @govtrack, @UDelaware.

🐦 @[email protected]

Dion Williams @[email protected]

Developer at Stack Overflow. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Open source web tech, performance, and security are my thing. 🚀

mgol @[email protected]

Staff Software Engineer (UI) at Sumo Logic. XLTS.dev Senior Consultant. Member of the jQuery team; former member of the AngularJS team. Views are my own.

Les Orchard @[email protected]

he / him; semi-hermit in PDX, USA; tinkerer; old adhd cat dad; serial enthusiast; editor-at-large for http://lmorchard.com; astra mortemque praestare gradatim

emeryberger @[email protected]

Professor, Computer Science, Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. My students, collaborators, and I build innovative systems, especially focused on performance, reliability, and security. Among other things, I am also the creator/maintainer of https://CSrankings.org.

Twitter (while it lasts): @emeryberger
Home page: https://emeryberger.com
Lab page: http://PLASMA-UMass.org
* http://github.com/plasma-umass/{coz,scalene,more}
* http://github.com/emeryberger