#interactivefiction #gemini #tokipona #selfhost #freesoftware #agile
i am also part of @wir and my main account is @stereo
this one is small at home on a raspi and running #gotosocial which seems even less resource hungry than pleroma.


𝑹𝒖𝒎𝒐 :bluw: :wolfspfote: @[email protected]

Dreaming of a better world. ✨🌍

Current Status: Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other.

Inzwischen mein 4. Mastodon-Account seit 21.08.2019, aber wohl endlich meine Heimstatt. 🏰

#TSV1860 :Mib:
#OSSROX.org (#Matrix #Nextcloud #Mastodon) :matrix_1337:
#Threema :threema:

ralf warümme tauscher @[email protected]

inviting people to share workshop material

#librescrum #nosafe
part of the #ZombieScrumResistance

i am also co-founder of https://freiburg.social and there is a @stereo too

Sir thalon :klingon: @[email protected]

Freigeist, Freiherz. Ambassador of Awesomeness. Antiismist. - In der Twanderswelt @freiherz

GrooveStomp @[email protected]

I value family and relationships above all else.

I am into fitness, coffee, cooking, baking, computing history, retro computers, hobby modelling and sim racing - not necessarily in that order.
I try to avoid surveillance capitalism.

I'm a backend web dev looking to transition into embedded development. If you think you can help me out in this regard, please contact me!

Sebastian Lasse @[email protected]

Open Protocols Advocate, normal one,
photojournalist, filmmaker and developer. Currently building a decentralized ActivityPub FLOSS CMS.

Meine Hobbies sind Fotografieren, Tennis und Antifa.
Manchmal mache ich Aufschläge von unten.

comrad 🇪🇺 @[email protected]

Ich mag technische Dinge. #Linux, #Development (#Java, #Pascal, #TCL), #Gaming und Netzwerk-Protokolle.

Languages: DE, EN, EO, IS, NL, RU

Gerne auch alten Legacy-Krams und #Mainframe-s. Mag #Astronomie, #Sprachen und bin begeistert von der #Europa-Idee.

#openSUSE-Member und #Linux-Fan. Team #WindowsVistaUltras

#StarTrek, #SciFi, ab und zu #Buch-Rezensionen unter #Buchtröt.

Schreibe von Zeit zu Zeit bei @holarse.

"Ich trinke gern Schnaps und fress' für vier!"

Geboren bei 338ppm.

Cami @[email protected]

Interessen: IT-Sicherheit, Datenschutz, Opensource

Profilbild: https://pixabay.com/vectors/penguin-barbecue-animal-funny-tux-160159/

Holger @[email protected]

Living in Germany, interested in #clojure, #softwarearchitecture, #agile, #emacs, #opensource, #nlp, #security and #privacy.

My German focussed account is @holger.

🌻 Thoralf Will 🇺🇦🇮🇱 @[email protected]

Familienvater, Tech-Fan, Elektromobilist, Balkonkraftwerk, Gutmensch, ParentsForFuture, im Herzen grün

geboren um 333 ppm

Ökostrom: https://invite.tibber.com/b12a534a

Hinweis: AfD-Fans, Schwurbler, Putin-Fans und sonstige Leerdenker und Nappsülzen werden kommentarlos blockiert.