#interactivefiction #gemini #tokipona #selfhost #freesoftware #agile
i am also part of @wir and my main account is @stereo
this one is small at home on a raspi and running #gotosocial which seems even less resource hungry than pleroma.


Sexybiggetje🐖 @[email protected]

geek, programmer, musician, writer, open source hacker, vegetarian, amateur-linguist, info addict, neuroscience, *BSD

fedizen since 2018

#coffee #tea #mentalhealth #fedi22

Catarina :mastodon_oops: @[email protected]

Mathematician, Portugal & UK, Education, Politics, Data

C. Schulzki-Haddouti @[email protected]

Journalistin: Klima, Transformation & Digitalisierung

u.a. bei Klimafakten.de, ct, Heise online, Golem, VDI-Nachrichten und natürlich bei @klimasocial und @riffreporter

Gordon Freeman :emacs: 🖲️ @[email protected]

I love #emacs, #gnu, and #freesoftware

he/him 23 :pansexual_flag:

I'm an intactivist, all children have the right to be protected from genital cutting before they can consent, regardless of their genitalia. A consenting adult has the right to do what they want with their own body. #intactivism #i2 #autonomy

D. Moonfire @[email protected]

I write #fantasy, #scifi, #csharp, #typescript, and #rust. My interests everything including #conlangs, #foss, #gemini, #rpg, #quiltbag, #writing, #woodworking, and #fedi22

I don't typically follow back without interaction.

nemo™ 🇺🇦 @[email protected]

The answer is, 101010

I ❤️ FOSS and GNU/Linux

I ❤️ cats

I also ❤️ anime/mangas

The philosophy of my life is:

"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law."

"Wo Unrecht zu Recht wird […]"

„Für den Triumph des Bösen reicht es, wenn die Guten nichts tun!“

Im Übrigen möchte ich anmerken, dass die AFD keine Alternative ist, sondern eine Schande und eine Katastrophe.


#nobots please😅
#scheinkünstler (eigenes Genre)