technomancy (turbonerd aspect) [email protected]

Open on

natalia @[email protected]

bird enthusiast
trans woman (lore)
girlfriend haver

gsnewmark @[email protected]

1̸̡͇̭̼̭̖͐3̶̨̡̥̳̫̲̞͚̗̞̩̠̗̃͊̑̅͗̓́̃̕̚͠ͅ1̸̮̝̀̍̀͒̔̄̋̓̇̚͝2̵͈̊̄͋̐̒̾̊̌̐͊̉̊̒̂̕ Проти всіх. Проти всього.

Mathieu Legrand @[email protected]

Systems architect and technology nerd.

#hamradio #amateurRadio #cissp

French living in Singapore.

Boris @[email protected]

Oslo based artist that works within a wide range of the digital medium. From bending reclaimed technology, to making expressive wearables, to co-opting algorithms for individual introspection.

#AR #CreativeTechnology #Art #Blender #Blender3D #3D #Installation #Performance #Oslo (#fedi22)

:moon_and_star: :ashlanders_blender:

𝚂𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚎 @[email protected]

Software Engineer / Dev Manager from the #Chicago area, hackin' on semantic-to-a-fault web tech since '98.

Likes: #Lisp, #Scheme, #Clojure, #Emacs, #Guix, and the #web (the hypertext dream, semantics and #a11y, and even the ugly scheme: #JavaScript).

Hates: Gods and Masters. (Also Java.)

(string/replace everywhere #"(Java)+(Script)?" "Clojure$2")

Wact B. Prot @[email protected]

turn machines into instruments, metrologist, vacuum physics, podcasts, berlin, lisp

🍄🌈🎮💻🚲🥓🎃💀🏴🛻🇺🇸 @[email protected]

location: oregon pdx pnw portland sanFrancisco sf arkansas

likes: cannabis coffee eBikes fungi mosstodon mushrooms photography socialism unreal videoGames vr

web: css developer frontEnd fullStack html javaScript js webApps webDev webDevelopment

web2: aws chromeOs customElements cypress devops graphql indieWeb k6 lit pwa react reactjs serverless serviceWorkers shadowDom webComponents

web3: activityPub bitcoin blockchain btc crypto cryptocurrency filecoin helium hnt icp internetComputer ipfs

Marco Dalla Stella @[email protected]

Clojure alchemist, data juggler, CTO @, chess player, poet.
Admin of

Ryan Campbell @[email protected]

Software developer in the Great White North.

#linux, #lisp, #python, #golang and #floss enthusiast.

Formerly @campbellr

I mainly use this account boost tech stuff I find interesting, with a bit of #yeg and #abpoli thrown in.