technomancy (turbonerd aspect) [email protected]

Open on

ghost in the bourne shell @[email protected]

nixos, emacs, org mode goblin. fedi freak and foss friend. data rights, human rights, trans rights, black rights. bikes, trees, art, poetry, motorsports. general mish-mash. no narcs.

Eugene, OR, US, Earth

sorry about all this...

pronouns are they/them if you need talk about me in third person but i am right here.

Don’t blow the flute
Don't beat the drum
Don’t be the front
Be the lion's rear.

people like dogs @[email protected]

🏴 kinda cranky mid-30's xvx anarchist living in Montréal. I deliver stuff on a bike for work, and moonlight as a graphic designer. I mostly post about punk shows, biking around the city, vegan food projects, and stuff I'm designing/printing. she/her

co-admin/mod/custom-emoji-slinger on this instance :hcGoblin: I'm ambivalent about social media but I want anarchists and punks to stop feeding the algorithm. I like thinking and learning about computers and tech and this project lets me do that.

amk @[email protected]

hello, i am into foss, bikes, beer, water drinking, music, gigs, emacs.

new to mastodon again and just testing out my instance :)

Korkeala @[email protected]

Programming. Packaging. Foss. Photography. Music.

charliemac @[email protected]

Enthusiast for Lisp, graphics, geometric algebra, calligraphy, and all their intersections

Evan Phoenix @[email protected]

Bio-electric pattern matching meat

Brit @[email protected]

Likes Common Lisp, dogs. Works as Programming Instructor or Engineer depending on the parity of the year.

MADEOFSTOWN! @[email protected]

Computer Hobbyist, Technology Enthusiast, #IBEW Electrician, Casual Gamer, Novice Programmer, #MastoAdmin #CalckeyAdmin

Posting about my projects and obsessions (usually involving
#HomeLab #SelfHosted

MADEOFSTOWN! :admin: @[email protected]

Administrator Account for

Posting server-related information and updates.

Personal account is @made.

DMA @[email protected]

Developer in JC, NJ. Helps make happen.