technomancy (turbonerd aspect) [email protected]

Open on

natalia @[email protected]

bird enthusiast
trans woman (lore)
girlfriend haver

Keith (karmajunkie) @[email protected]

Software engineer in Austin TX (working mainly in Elixir, formerly Ruby). Married, 2.5 kids, dog and a cat.

You may see me around elsewhere on the net under the handle karmajunkie. I'm also the admin and founder of this instance.

I started to have an instance for #austin and people who like being in Austin, including our neighbors in Central TX.

rudi @[email protected]

CS researcher at University of Oslo. Mostly reading, rarely writing, hope that's ok

Kevin Downey @[email protected]

Pretty basic dad. I work at World Singles Networks writing Clojure in Emacs. I like both the structure and the interpretation of computer programs.

Alastair M. D. Touw @[email protected]

Dilettante programmer, salaryman webmaster. 不本意な日本語話者. 🌾⚙️

📷 Recently I’m rekindling an interest in photography.

frozenfire92 @[email protected]

Just a dude making stuff

tired blip @[email protected]

Part software developer, part sailor, part music enthusiast, part competitive robotics commentator and referee. Happiest where saltwater and mountains are both nearby in the physical world, and in human-scale, thoughtful communities in the digital realm.

Follows are by request due to the Eternal September phenomena (see preference for human-scale, aka smol, communities above). Merveillians or IRL friends exempt, everyone else DM with an intro for best odds of approval. Cheers!