I am a teenager (he/him.) I like difficult algebra-level math, quantum physics, and coding. This is the first online social network I have joined.

I will, generally, accept follow requests if the person asking has a post history, icon, and bio.


Joseph Jude :verified: @[email protected]

I'm a programmer working as a CTO of an IT services company. Interested in mental models and frameworks. Observes how technology shapes business, politics, and life; and in turn how business, politics, and life shape technology.

Generally talks about #wealth, #insights, #network, #selfcontrol. In addition, I talk about plethora of topics that I'm interested in: #christianity, #india, #technology, #golang, #programming #ukulele

I #homeschool my 2 boys. They are also on fediverse - @joshg & @jerryg

You can find me on these places:
• Blog: jjude.com
• Podcast: jjude.com/podcast
• Photos: pixelfed.social/jjude
• Books: ramblingreaders.org/user/jjude

Happy to connect and chat. Come along.

Matthew Lyon @[email protected]

Artist / Musician / Programmer / Malcontent

Josh Garrett :verified: @[email protected]

Josh Garrett is a homeschooler (13 years old). A bookworm that reads too many spy novels.
Here I will write about my experiences in industry trips, weekly retros and the good times I have.
Saying that, Welcome to my world.

Jerry Garrett :verified: @[email protected]

Hey there: I'm a 10 year old #homeschool boy. Interested in #computers. Learning #cajon.

Keith (karmajunkie) @[email protected]

Software engineer in Austin TX (working mainly in Elixir, formerly Ruby). Married, 2.5 kids, dog and a cat.

You may see me around elsewhere on the net under the handle karmajunkie. I'm also the admin and founder of this instance.

I started atx.pub to have an instance for #austin and people who like being in Austin, including our neighbors in Central TX.

tech? no! man, see... @[email protected]

tryin' to catch the last train out of Omelas


Alex ☕🇨🇦 @[email protected]

I love making short games and loops. My go-to engine is Löve2d (with Fennel of course) and my preferred DAW is Reaper. Currently I'm testing the waters with Godot.

noah @[email protected]

I am a teenager (he/him). This is my first social networking experience.