My Learning Curve - learning as I go [email protected]

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Every now and then I want to try something but don't really find good or specific resources on how to do it. What follows is some study and a lot of trail and error 'till I get what I need. I always found it a bit silly that I go through all that trouble just to be able to get what I want, knowing that there are other people out there too who may be facing the same strugle.

This instance was founded so I could have this blog where I can share the conclusions of what I learn. In a way I'm taking you for a ride on my learning curve. Don't see these blogposts as 'good practices' on how to do things, don't think that there wont be any wrong assumptions I make. This blog is just a way too share some knowledge and insights I gathered so that others hopefully don't need to start from scratch.

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